

“Hello my name is Kris Waldespuhl and I would like to share a story about me and give a testimonial about why I think BOE is the best place to be, to motivate YOU to not only lose weight, but also teach you how to live a more healthy lifestyle.

This past Christmas my father became ill. His diabetes was starting to really affect his health and his way of life. My father was a very active individual, playing professional golf for 40+years, riding motorcycles, and just being active, but his life style of not eating very healthy and not exercising was costing his health to deteriorate and we wound putting my father in a nursing home. I am only mentioning this, because I was following his same path and this was my destiny.

I told myself then, back in January that I will not end up like my father. I will fight with everything I have to make sure I learn about proper nutrition, exercise, eating healthy as a LIFESTYLE and not just to lose weight, but gain the knowledge that will help me sustain healthy living. If I don’t want to end up like my father. Then something will HAVE TO CHANGE. ME!

With that said, back in January after my doctor’s exam, I weighed about 278lbs. This was ridiculous! I became motivated to lose weight, and to make sure I changed what and how I was living. So, one day I received a call from Steve Nagle from BOE. It was almost like someone from above was listening to what I was needing and what I needed to do. I was very happy when Steve called. I knew that Steve and Nate could and would help me reach my goals of being and staying healthy. To date I weigh 252lbs and still losing. By years end I am hoping that will be down to 200lbs. This is an obtainable goal that I will meet and with the help of Nate and Steve and their motivation and holding me accountable I will get there.

The trainers at BOE are very motivated to help you reach your goals and to teach you how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This was very important to me. They have a positive approach on training that makes you want to work hard. Their philosophy on fitness and nutrition is absolutely AWSOME! Their expertise and knowledge on dieting and knowing what foods will help your body burn more fat, calories, and staying healthy is second to none. They are at the top of their game when it comes to making a change to a healthy lifestyle. They have encouraged me and motivated me to work hard to lose this weight. I know that BOE will do the same for others, just as they have done for me.

I would like to thank Nate McConnell and Steve Nagle for making my journey to weight loss and to a healthy lifestyle more obtainable. Thanks Guys!”

Sincerely, Kris Waldespuhl

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