
“My journey began in September 2023. I was approaching my 65th birthday and I was not in a good place physically. My wife reached a point where she was convinced I was not going to have a long retirement as I had promised this. At 65 years old, low energy, overweight (extremely), joint pain, limited flexibility, and a host of other health related issues my wife found Bodies of Empowerment and arranged a meeting for me. I was not overly excited about the prospect of what I thought would be drudgery.

I met Nate on my initial visit and he listened to what was going on. It was apparent that he knew his business and he immediately suggested a plan. He spent time getting to understand my history, my issues, and my ultimate hope of gaining some control of my physical health. We scheduled a follow up where Nate laid out a plan based on nutrition and physical training.

I had set a goal to lose 40 lbs, build muscle while doing this, increase my flexibility and  develop a strategy to create a workout plan that I could do at the facility as well as on the road as I travel for my job. Nate provided a high protein diet to follow and a workout routine based on 2 classes per week. He introduced me to Steve who has been helping me with appropriate technique and a controlled growth plan in my workout routines. Steve worked hard to understand my interests and how my physical limits could be improved so I could continue to enjoy my passion for the outdoors. He tailored my workouts to resolve specific joint pain and strengthen my body so I would have more endurance and balance as I spend hours per day fishing throughout the year. 

I’m 4 months in. Results – down 45 lbs, no joint pain, significant improvement in flexibility and balance and I feel great. I had a physical in January and my doctor could not believe my numbers. My blood pressure and glucose numbers were normal. If I had not met Steve and Nate I’m not sure where I would be. They have added years to my life and I am truly grateful to my wife and son who continue to push this new lifestyle. 

The environment is great. The schedule is flexible and the personalized attention makes the experience even better. Bodies of Empowerment – the name says it all. They help you take control and keep you focused on your goals. I’ve still got more to do but, with Nate’s and Steve’s guidance and support I’ll get to where I want to be. Thank you guys.”

– Dave

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Begin your transformation with our Fitness Consultation for $50. Text below to schedule.