
Personal Trainer client of the Month

“As Client of the month. I would like to get a different type of message out to people. We all know how great it is working out. At B.O.E. the entire team is extremely knowledgeable in this field. I have been working out with B.O.E. for over 1.5 years. The first year I had limited results due to personal injuries. I was not the best at following the nutrition plans. As great as the team is at designing workout plans for each of us those plans are only as good as how serious we pursue the end result. I began to work the program fully approximately 5 months ago. I followed the nutrition plan and workout as hard as my body will allow. At this time I have lost over 20 lbs and feel great about my health. I have so much more energy it is amazing. So my message is that your results are completely up to you. Please look inside yourself for that drive that is there to follow the designed plan with 110% effort. Trust me, there is no excuse that you can think of that I have not already used myself for not working out.
Sincerely an “X-Excuse” expert”


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