
Personal Trainer client of the Month

“I had spent the last decade going from on one yo-yo dieting spree to another. Always losing a good amount of weight and then seeming to gain it back plus an additional five to ten pounds. In April, before starting at Bodies of Empowerment I was the widest I’ve ever been barely fitting into my size 42 jeans and just feeling lethargic all the time. Worst of all my appetite was out of control. It didn’t matter what I ate as I was always hungry. The nutrition session and monthly evaluations have really helped me to learn not only what foods to eat but the right combination of foods during each meal to stave off the hunger pains and feel full longer. I really appreciate that all the trainers stress getting the proper technique down for each exercise. I have really noticed that the workouts have really started to improve my pace and endurance during my runs for the half marathon I’m training for this fall. If you have ever seen me working out you’ll know why I picked the quote below.”

Favorite quote “No one ever drowned in sweat.”


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Begin your transformation with our Fitness Consultation for $50. Text below to schedule.