
Personal Trainer client of the Month

“In early December of 2012, my trip to the doctor revealed that my cholesterol was 246 with my LDL causing most of the problem at 158. My doctor said to do something to lower those numbers or meds would be prescribed. I’m in my 50’s and my weight has been creeping up yearly. My energy level was also not where I’d like it to be. Less than a week later, I enrolled at Bodies of Empowerment. Throughout the week I faithfully did the cardio and weight training sessions and the at-home workouts. I saidfaithfully…I didn’t say eagerly. It was explained to me that if I just made substitutions to my diet and choose foods carefully that my body would make better use of what I ate, I would stop the weight gain process and my cholesterol would come down. I was slow to implement these changes, but about one month later I became more aware of sugars, proteins and carbs…and the shakes were actually quite tasty. I’m still learning.

After 41Ž2 months, I hesitantly went back for more lab work. Unbelievable!!! Not just lower, but 75 points lower! And the evil LDL was now 97, which is now in the “normal” range. My energy level has certainly increased and I’m buying clothes a size smaller too. I’ve been sharing my news with anyone who will listen. Someone commented to me, “Now that you’ve reached your goal…now what?” I haven’t even considered going back to old ways. I consider myself still on this journey. It’s been very satisfying.”


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