
Personal Trainer client of the Month

“Like many of my friends here at Bodies of Empowerment (BOE), I drove down Dudley Road daily with that yellow “personal trainer” sign screaming my name. I won’t share with you just how long I ignored that sign but suffice it to say that I finally called and I’ve grown to love the sign and coming to Bodies of Empowerment every week!

For years, I lead a very sedentary life that started when I broke my foot. This sedentary life quickly spun out of control to the point that excess weight made it hard to bend over, walk up stairs, daily fatigue & malaise, and shopping for clothes was miserable. Frankly, I was miserable!

After checking out the BOE website and reading testimonials I decided to send an email to “just inquire” about BOE’s program. I shared that taking the first step in a journey can be the hardest step to take but I was ready to make the change. I’ll share the BOE encouraging response that told me I WAS picking the right place……“You are right about that! It is difficult to take that step and get help. I am glad that you are reaching out and ready to improve your health and your life. My experience is that many times the motivation to change doesn’t come first, as we think it ought to. It often comes AFTER we first resolve to change. You will gain momentum with each week and the desire to work out and eat healthy will take care of itself.”

I love my time coming to BOE and working out. I’ve learned so much including “technique is everything” and I’m enjoying the results that I’m seeing. I’m addicted to eating correctly, walking 10,000 steps every day, and working out at BOE. Because I took the first step and joined BOE, I feel absolutely amazing and I’m proud to share that I have dropped 3 sizes in clothing.

The first step is the hardest but once you commit and join BOE, the motivation does grow stronger and you do gain momentum each week to work out and take care of yourself! So take that first step, you’re definitely worth it and I promise you too will love being here!
Thanks BOE and Nate- you’re the best!”


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Begin your transformation with our Fitness Consultation for $50. Text below to schedule.