
Personal Trainer client of the Month

I am 58 years old and have been overweight for the past 14 years. I have tried different diets but to no avail and in all cases the end result was more weight than my starting point. This resulted in an all time high of 303 lbs. I was at a point where my energy level was so low that I looked forward to staying home and resting instead of being active. Thus a vicious cycle of more rest causing less energy requiring more rest. I had lost 30 lbs on my own 2 years ago down to 270 lbs but after awhile once again I was on my upward climb. This time I met Nate and began a regimented program on July 15th 2012. He prepared a nutritional plan as well as a exercise plan to begin a life style change not a diet. Since then I have lost 20 lbs and between 4-6 inches around the waist. The subtle benefits are unreal, I sleep better, I have more mental alertness, I have more energy, and I have a better general state of well being. All this in two months, talk about instant gratification! I can’t wait to see the changes in the next two months. That makes it fun! All this would not be possible without Nate’s help. His program incorporates nutrition and physical fitness together to ensure success. Nate is not only a personal trainer, he is a life style coach, a problem solver and believe me someone I now consider a friend. I say this because he sincerely cares about his clients and their successes because we are a direct accomplishment to him. Once again thanks Nate!


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