Empower your Best Self

Begin your transformation with our Fitness Consultation for $50. Schedule by text below to get started.

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    Northern Kentucky Personal Training – Bodies of Empowerment Fitness Trainers

    Which version are others getting from you right now? Your “C” version, “D” version, or worse?
    If you want to be and give your Best Self — you are in the right place.

    Welcome to Bodies of Empowerment Personal Training!

    My name is Nate McConnell. I am a Personal Fitness Trainer, Health Coach, and Life Coach with 30 years of experience throughout the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati areas. Here at Bodies of Empowerment, we offer a Complete Fitness Solution! We not only provide Personal Training, but we also teach you how to eat properly through our Nutritional Consulting services.

    When Choosing a Personal Trainer… Experience Matters.

    Do you know that most Fitness Trainers do not even last 2 years in the fitness industry? Do you know that an estimated 80% of gym members do not use the facilities they belong to AT ALL?  Do you know that 90% of people who lose weight gain it back? Very disturbing statistics to say the least. What do these stats matter to you? If you hire an inexperienced personal fitness trainer you are likely to get injured, not get the results you need, and/or have them quit on you – wasting both, your time and money.

    Maybe you are thinking of joining a gym. Honestly, the odds of success are stacked up against you. In fact, that is how they set up their business model. They are counting on you to not show up! How about diets? They are the reason why most people who lose weight gain it back. Nothing changes if YOU don’t change! Extremes are always temporary. Anytime you put yourself under enormous pressure and force yourself to do something you will become outwardly compliant, while inwardly resentful. This recipe always leads to rebellion: self-sabotage. Your body and your brain naturally resist change and discomfort. For this reason, you must coax them into the process of changes over time.

    What Are Your Goals for Fitness Training?

    What is it that you really want anyhow? Peace? Joy? You won’t attain those by beating yourself into submission. If you trade your internal health to try and achieve external health, it is NOT health at all! That is an unacceptable loss. A detriment to your overall health and well-being. To care for yourself, you must honor yourself and what it is that you truly need. Never trample over yourself to achieve a goal. You are far more valuable than any goal of achievement you could set or reach. Being your best self takes time and intentional effort. It also requires guidance and support. That is what we do. We don’t sell workouts. We sell a guided process to a better, more fulfilling life.

    Fitness Training for Women
    Sandy Arnzen, Bodies of Empowerment Client

    Know your budget when you meet with us because we factor that into the consulting process. Schedule your consultation with Nate to get started today! If you’re looking for the cheapest option in town or you just want to price shop, please don’t bother contacting us. Quality services, provided by qualified professionals are not cheap. Please do not contact us for rates, as they are not listed on this website for a specific reason. Prices are pointless if you do not understand what you are getting for what you are paying.

    How to Get Started with Personal Training

    If you would like to be considered as a new client, we would love to meet with you! The first step is the Fitness Consultation. This has been set at a reduced rate of $50. A low enough, initial barrier to cross for you, yet high enough to let us know that you are serious. The most difficult part is getting started. If you’re ready to stop wishing and start making life-long changes, request your consultation and let’s move forward together!

    2023 Contest Winners – Bodies of Empowerment

    Michelle Perkins Award

    Michelle Perkins

    Pound For Pound, Strongest Client

    Vicky Gergel Award

    Vicky Gergel

    Pushup Champion

    Betsy Dyas Award

    Sandy Arnzen

    Plank Hold Champion

    Betsy Dyas Award

    Betsy Dyas

    Wall Sit Champion

    Featured PERSONAL TRAINING Clients



    “The Bodies of Empowerment staff has provided every expectation, knowledge and determination I was looking for and then some for my personal training needs. I couldn’t be happier with the…



    “I wanted to share some thoughts on joining Bodies of Empowerment. I began training this past July. I had some health issues and decided I needed to get in shape…



    “Even though I have only been working out with BOE for a short time I already feel stronger and more energetic on a daily basis. All of the trainers are…



    “I’ve been lucky enough to be able to find a gym that works around my very busy travel schedule, and fortunate to have received Steve as my Personal Trainer. I…

    Ready to get started?

    Begin your transformation with our Fitness Consultation for $50. Text below to schedule.